The Auntie Sewing Squad

We are a group of self-sufficient volunteers giving our time, talent, materials and labor to sew, ship and deliver fabric masks to people who need them most. We help each other by sharing materials, patterns, sewing advice and moral support.

Our Mission Statement

We are a national collective of volunteers of all genders who have turned our living rooms into “sweatshops” because of the failure of the Federal Government to provide proper PPE to essential workers and vulnerable communities. Our Aunties, Uncles and non-binary volunteers give time and labor to make masks to stop the spread of Covid-19, specifically in the most vulnerable of communities with no access to masks. We believe in a system of community care and having a direct connection to our recipients. We share resources on patterns, fabric and elastic. We pride our origins as a mostly WOC and QTNB* group that celebrates the ability of all our Aunties to rise up and become the real leaders in this crisis.
*Women of Color
**Queer Trans Non Binary

A Statement on the Rising Anti-Asian Hate & Violence
We, members of the Auntie Sewing Squad, are heartbroken and angry at the deadly violence that occurred in Georgia on March 16, 2021. We mourn those who were killed, most of whom were Asian/Asian American women, and stand in solidarity with their loved ones. We are alarmed by the broader context of escalating anti-Asian violence.
At the start of the pandemic, the Auntie Sewing Squad began as a group of primarily Asian American women. Some of us had family connections to the garment industry or had learned to sew as a survival skill from immigrant relatives.